International medical second opinion services

Get peace of mind with an online second opinion on the diagnosis and treatment of your cancer or other challenging disease

Top Academic Medical Centers in the US and Europe

For Patients and Loved Ones

I or someone I care about seek an international medical second opinion

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For Physicians, Hospitals and Clinics

I am interested in reaching out to international colleagues for a second opinion

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For Insurances, TPAs and benefits providers

I want to offer medical second opinions as a member benefit

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Global Second Opinion

You are facing a challenging diagnosis, a difficult treatment decision, or want to understand the role of immuno-oncology, genetic testing or clinical trials. Get involved – have your case reviewed by top experts. Receive answers and personalized recommendations.

  • We connect you to top academic medical centers
  • Online - No travel required
  • Simple, fast, efficient
  • Get a written, actionable report - unbiased and independent
  • Medical record translation included

Why get a second opinion

Treatment approaches differ - find the best one for you

A second opinion provides refined treatment approaches in up to two thirds of patients

In the US, 50% of cancer patients get a second opinion

Excellent medical care requires a team approach

The world’s most advanced medical centers at your fingertips

Leading Academic Medical Centers

Harvard-affiliated Medical Centers

What our patients say

Being diagnosed with metastatic colon cancer was a life-changing event. I was lucky to have a fantastic oncologist who walked me through the decision making process (…).

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Berta M.
Madrid, Spain

I was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 42. I sought a second opinion regarding the duration of hormone treatment from Harvard’s Dana Farber Cancer Institute (…).

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Maria S.
Barcelona, Spain

My friend was undergoing cancer treatment and her outlook was devastating. Her doctors told her that she would not live to see her daughter enter primary school. I had heard about the option to get a second opinion from a Harvard-affiliated Cancer Center (…).

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Nicole B.
Vienna, Austria

What medical associations say

Getting a second opinion can help you feel more sure about your diagnosis and treatment plan. Decisions should be made after you have learned all you can about your diagnosis, prognosis, and available treatment options (…). American Cancer Society

Cancer is a confusing and frightening diagnosis. When a person is diagnosed, it may be hard to make decisions about treatment options. Treatments are constantly getting better, and it is important to find someone who has experience with your type of cancer (…). American Society of Clinical Oncology

A qualified second medical opinion should be based on the same criteria as a qualified first opinion (…). German Cancer Society

It is worthwhile asking your oncologist if his/her recommendations have been discussed with other oncologists (…). Patients may benefit from seeking other medical opinions before making a final decision about treatment (…). European Society of Medical Oncology